
工程百科 编辑:admin 日期:2025-03-09 18:54:57 4人浏览


  四个月前,欧盟称塞尔维亚武装分子在科索沃北部发动了“恐怖袭击”,并承诺在普里什蒂纳的调查结果出来之前可能对塞尔维亚采取措施。如今,欧盟委员会(european Commission)坚持要求科索沃当局提交一份“最终报告”,称他们已经向科索沃当局提供了贝尔格莱德参与袭击的证据和证据,并呼吁他们做出回应。

  在班尼斯卡的袭击中,一大群塞族武装分子袭击了科索沃警察,导致一名警察阿夫里姆·邦贾库(Afrim Bunjaku)死亡,随后警方与三名武装分子进行了枪战,打死了三名武装分子。在接下来的几天里,警方缴获了大量武器和弹药,这让人们怀疑他们正在策划一场更大规模的袭击。












  上个星期,科索沃外交部长斯韦卡尔要求科索沃国家检察官公布调查结果,并表示有足够的证据可以结束调查。伊拉克总理阿尔宾·库尔蒂(Albin Kurti)也要求公布这些文件。



  The country is also home to one of Europe’s largest lithium deposits, an essential component for making electric vehicles. In 2023, the EU signed a letter of intent with Serbia for a partnership on batteries and critical raw materials, including lithium.

  Furthermore, Serbia’s links with Russia, including political, historical and economic, mean the EU wants to keep the country close rather than lose it to the east. Serbia remains the only European country that has not fully aligned its foreign policy with that of the EU.

  Meanwhile, Serbian elections held on 17 December have been widely condemned for being undemocratic and full of irregularities, with nationwide protests resulting in heavy-handed police action with some students still in custody.

  There is no sign of the investigation into the vote as called for by the EU and other international bodies, yet no consequences seem forthcoming from the same corner.

  When asked by Euractiv last week, the Commission spokesperson said simply that reform and improvement was needed “as the proper functioning of Serbia’s democratic institutions is at the core of Serbia’s EU accession process.”

  This will likely do little to dissuade Belgrade, which has made little progress on EU integration since talks opened in 2012. Furthermore, only 33% of Serbs want to join the union.

  ‘Kidnap’ and ‘torture’

  The situation got even worse in early January when a pro-Kosovo independence Serb opposition politician, Nikola Sandulovic, posted a video of him laying flowers on the grave of a member of the Jashari family. Adem Jashari and almost 60 of his family members, including women and children, were killed on one day by Serb police during the Kosovo-Serbia war.

  On 3 January, the family reported that a black van appeared in front of the house, and members of the Serbian Security Information Agency (BIA) seized Sandulovic, taking them to their headquarters and attacking him. Reportedly paralysed on one side and suffering multiple injuries, he is being held in custody with no access to independent healthcare, his lawyer and family say.

  It is understood he will face trial for causing or inciting “national, racial, or religious hatred or intolerance among peoples or ethnic communities living in Serbia”.

  Euractiv asked Stano whether the EU Commission would take any action over the incident.

  Describing it as “alleged detention” and “ill-treatment”, Stano said they are “following this case closely and are in contact with relevant authorities and stakeholders. It is important to have full clarity of the facts around this case.”

  He added the Commission expects the rights of all citizens to be upheld but left the ball in the court of Serbian authorities.

  (Alice Taylor | Euractiv.com)


  Serbia to have new parliament formed in matter of weeks, says parliament presidentSerbia will have a new parliament in a matter of weeks, and if a majority is formed, there will be no need for new elections, said Serbia’s parliament President Vladimir Orli?.


